3. nidhogg seven-mode details

class nidhogg.sevenmode.SevenMode(url, username, password, major, minor, verify, http=<class 'nidhogg.http.NidhoggHttp'>)

Bases: nidhogg.core.Nidhogg

This class implements seven-mode filer specific API calls.

ACL_CHANGE = 'Change'

ACL permission constant for write access

ACL_FULL_CONTROL = 'Full Control'

ACL permission constant for full control

ACL_NO_ACCESS = 'No Access'

ACL permission constant for denying access

ACL_PERMISSIONS = ['Full Control', 'Read', 'Change', 'No Access']

list of all permission constants

ACL_READ = 'Read'

ACL permission constant for read access

create_cifs_share(volume, qtree, share_name, group_name=None, comment=None, umask='007')

Create a cifs share.

  • volume (str) – name of the volume
  • qtree (str) – name of the qtree
  • share_name (str) – name of the share
  • group_name (str) – force group if specified
  • comment (str) – description of the share
  • umask (str) – file permission umask

NidhoggException – if an error occurs

create_snapshot(volume, name)

Create a snapshot.

  • volume (str) – name of the volume
  • name (str) – name of the snapshot

NidhoggException – if an error occurs

delete_cifs_acl(share_name, user_or_group, is_group=False)

Delete cifs ACL of the specified user or group.

  • share_name (str) – name of the share
  • user_or_group (str) – name of a user or group
  • is_group (bool) – if true, param user_or_group specifies a unix group name

NidhoggException – if an error occurs


Remove all cifs permssions.

Parameters:share_name (str) – name of the share
Raises:NidhoggException – if an error occurs
delete_quota(volume, qtree)

Delete the quota of the specified volume and qtree.

  • volume (str) – name of the volume
  • qtree (str) – name of the qtree

NidhoggException – if an error occurs

get_quota(volume, qtree)

Return the quota of the specified qtree on the given volume.

  • volume (str) – name of the volume
  • qtree (str) – name of the qtree


Return type:



NidhoggException – if an error occurs

get_snapmirror_status(volume=None, qtree=None)

Get status of snapmirror replication pairs. If no params are provided, return all snapmirror status pairs.

  • volume (str) – name of source or destination volume
  • qtree (str) – name of source or destination qtree

list of all snapmirror pair status

Return type:

list of SnapmirrorStatus or empty list


NidhoggException – if an error occurs


Get status of a snapmirror volume.

Parameters:volume (str) – name of volume
Return type:SnapmirrorVolumeStatus
Raises:NidhoggException – if an error occurs

Return ACL of the specified share.

Parameters:share_name (str) – name of the share
Returns:list of ACEs (access control entries)
Return type:ACE or empty list
Raises:NidhoggException – if an error occurs

List all cifs shares.

Returns:list of cifs shares
Return type:list of CifsShare or empty list
Raises:NidhoggException – if an error occurs

Return a list of qtrees of type QTree.

Parameters:volume (str) – name of the volume
Returns:list of qtrees
Return type:list of QTree or empty list
Raises:NidhoggException – if an error occurs

Return a list of quota reports of the specified volume.

Parameters:volume (str) – name of the volume
Returns:list of quota reports
Return type:QuotaReport or empty list
Raises:NidhoggException – if an error occurs
list_snapmirror_destinations(volume=None, qtree=None)

Not implemented yet for seven mode.

list_snapshots(target_name, target_type='volume')

Return list of snapshots for given volume.

  • target_name (str) – name of the volume
  • target_type (str) – type of the volume

list of snapshots

Return type:

list of Snapshot or empty list


NidhoggException – if an error occurs


Return a list of volumes of type Volume.

Returns:list of volumes
Return type:list of Volume or empty list
Raises:NidhoggException – if an error occurs
set_cifs_acl(share_name, user='everyone', right='Read', set_group_rights=False)

Set a single ACL for the specifed share.

  • share_name (str) – name of the share
  • user (str) – name of a user or unix group (if set_group_rights = True)
  • right (str) – right to be set, value must be one of ACL_PERMISSIONS
  • set_group_rights (bool) – if true, user param specifies a unix group name
set_quota(volume, qtree, quota_in_mb=1024, wait_til_finished=True)

Set a quota in MiB (default = 1GiB) for the specified volume and qtree.

  • volume (str) – name of the volume
  • qtree (str) – name of the qtree
  • quota_in_mb (int) – quota in MiB
  • wait_til_finished (bool) – if false, do not wait for resize operation
update_snapmirror(destination_volume, destination_qtree=None, source_filer=None, source_volume=None, source_qtree=None)

Trigger the snapmirror replication.

If source_filer, source_volume and source_qtree (source location) are not specified (default), then the source in /etc/snapmirror.conf for the destination path must be present.

  • destination_volume (str) – name of snapmirror destination volume
  • destination_qtree (str) – name of snapmirror destination qtree
  • source_filer (str) – hostname of source filer
  • source_volume (str) – name of snapmirror source volume
  • source_qtree (str) – name of snapmirror source qtree
update_snapmirror_with_snapshot(name, destination_volume, destination_qtree=None, source_filer=None, source_volume=None, source_qtree=None)

Update the named snapshot to the snapmirror destination.

Use the specified snapshot name also for the snapshot to be created on the destination server if possible.

If source_filer, source_volume and source_qtree (source location) are not specified (default), then the source in /etc/snapmirror.conf for the destination path must be present.

  • name (str) – name of the snapshot
  • destination_volume (str) – name of snapmirror destination volume
  • destination_qtree (str) – name of snapmirror destination qtree
  • source_filer (str) – hostname of source filer
  • source_volume (str) – name of snapmirror source volume
  • source_qtree (str) – name of snapmirror source qtree

Return basic information about the volume.

Parameters:volume (str) – name of the volume
Return type:Volume
Raises:NidhoggException – if an error occurs